Monday, November 16, 2015

Bill Nye the Science Guy

     The title has no meaning, but the theme song has been stuck in my head all day. Anyways, as most of you in the US are freezing from the change in temperature, I am sweating like a pig out here getting work some work done. This week has been REALLY hot and I think it will just continue to get hot :(  This past week was so quick and had a few exciting things here and there! 
     Monday was boring because it rained, but gave us an excuse to go to SUBWAY. I know that Me and Hunter talk about Subway, but when you are hungry its the place to go. 
     Tuesday we went to the zoo( which really isn't a zoo). It's a military base that has a zoo of all the animals that they rescue from the jungle. They had snakes, leopards, turtles, birds and other random animals. 
     Wednesday was a long day because we had a 1 hour walk to a lunch appointment that was uphill and HOT!! But the walking paid off and we got 30+ contacts and 20 new investigators. Out of the 20, 2 will probably take the second discussion. That night we had dinner at a gas station and it was good!! 
     Thursday was lunch at Elton's and we had something new, PASTA. It was a good change from the meat but I still love the meat that they got here. 
     Friday we had family home evening at a less actives house and watched meet the Mormons or in Portuguese, Conhecer os Mormons. It was a terrible night because after that they wanted to watch the Minion movie, and my companion was fine with that, We didn't get back to our house until 11 pm. It was a terrible night but i have to move on. 
     Saturday we had lunch at an investigators house and the spirit was so great just eating. I hope that they will continue to progress. 
     Sunday was a great, hot and relaxing day. None of our investigators showed up which is disappointing but we can only do so much. I helped bless the sacrament again and had to repeat it twice because, my pronunciation  was wrong but its ok. After church we went to Tica's for a BBQ and then watched F-1 racing. WOW, Brazilians sure do love tv. I got a little nap in during it which was nice. after Tica's we went to talk to a reference, Rose, and it was a really great time and lesson. We spent 2-3 hours over there answering her questions and talking about the gospel. She made us cake and i swear it tasted just like Portillios cake  but who knows. After that visit we went to Elton's to hang and mess around. He is super chill and loves us. People from the ward came over to his house to talk with his wife so we were his excuse to leave that conversation and hang with us. 
     Today, Monday we are just going to walk around the city, buy some things and go to Subway again. 
    Thank you for all the love and support. I am doing of here and the language is coming one day at a time. The time here is so short and i need to get to work. I want to challenge everyone at home with something. if you went on a mission or not, a member of the church or not, missionary work is for everyone. The Lord needs his work to be done in all types of things. So if you go to bed each night and think that i could have done more, than fix that. Be kind to one another.  Serve others.  Be a good example.  As a great LDS Hymn says, We are ALL ENLISTED!! The time we have is short in this life and i have realized that my time here in Brazil is shorter than I ever imagine. Its time to get to work and prepare the way for the Second Coming. I love you all and hope that you take my words to heart. thanks for all and i will talk to you next week.

Love Elder Browning 


Churro filled with chocolate