Tuesday, November 3, 2015

O Campo!!!

    Hello everyone in the North American Continent. I hope you are all enjoying the nice cold weather while i am here working in the heat. I am finally in the field and it is such a different experience. Yesterday was a holiday so  p-day was moved to today. 
    So first of all, last Tuesday I took a 2 hour plane ride form São Paulo to Cuiabá. It was very relaxing and I enjoyed the sleep that I was able to get. Upon our arrival at the airport, we were greeted by our Mission President, President Olivera running down the terminal to meet us. He is a small little Brazilian and is super awesome. His wife is just as cool as he is. We hopped in a van a headed toward the mission office. We all chilled in the mission office for the day talking, eating and interviewing. I meet an Elder that works in the mission office that is really good friends with the Milius family. His name is Elder Samuel Allen. Small Mormon world. We spent the night with the APs and just chilled.
    The next day we had training and traveled to our area. I met my companion and he is super humble, patient and loving. His name is Elder Barros and he is from North Brazil. We hopped on a bus to our area and it took 4 hours. but once again I didn't complain because I got to sleep again. We arrived in our area, called Cáceres, around 10ish that night. The next few days we did the typical missionary work. It is a tough area here because no one wants to join the church and there is a TON of less active members. The members that are active, are awesome and super cool. They feed us all the time and never let the missionaries go hungry. The members here are seriously the coolest people!!
    Sunday was great because it was fast Sunday and I had the chance to share my testimony. The branch has around 30 members and I wanted to let them know that even though that there is a language barrier there is not a love barrier that I have for them. The church building is small but it does have air conditioning.
     Yesterday we had dinner at Eltons house (super cool member) and we had a Brazilian BBQ. The thing here in Brazil is that you eat until you can't eat no more and then you are forced to eat more. anyways..... Elton is super cool and plans on taking a trip to the US with his family to go to the different temples.
    Well I am sure there is more that I could write but I cant remember. I love the emails each week from everyone and I feel the prayers in my life. I am so grateful to be apart of this culture and even though it will be hard I always know that there are people supporting me at home. The Church is true no matter where you are at in the world and the gospel is for everyone. I always look at a person that we contact in White temple clothes and it reminds me that we are all children of God.
    Until next week with more stories to tell.
With so much love from here in the south,   Elder Browning

Some other things about where I am.....
Our area is huge and all we do is walk. It is super hot and humid. Alot of stray dogs and the streets are crazy with cars, motorcycles and people. Its rains almost everyday at some point. The people here are way cool and are doing the best they can to help me understand and feel loved. The hardest part is that I want to talk with them but I cant. I want to listen to them but I cant. I have a great Brazilian trainer and he is so patience and loving. He knows about 2 or 3 words in english. I live a house and it is big for the area that we live in. The only American restaurant is subway. The area is huge and we share it with 2 other elders. We do ALOT of walking. The streets are dirt and sometimea paved. Its also really crazy that one one house is super super nice with a yard and a fence then the one right next to its is a little shack. its very odd.

 Me and Kevin on our last day at the CTM

 Getting a ride to an investigators house

 The Brazillian BBQ

 Elton - He is super cool