Monday, November 9, 2015

Estou com sono, cada dia!!

Well this has been a quick week as a matter of fact. we did a lot of walking and a lot of teaching. but no one seems to want to go to church and that is a requirement for baptism. we have two potential investigators of baptism. one is Artur(8) and one is Olson(28ish) the one thing holding them back is going to church. so this week i suggested that we work with the members to help us with lessons. so we will see how that goes. we went to Subway this week for a snack and its was strange. when i walked through the doors it was like i walked into America. everything was the same and they were even playing American music. so it was nice being in a home away from home. we actually got the address of the workers there to visit because they were interested in the church. we went to Tica´s house this week like 3 times in a row and she always feeds us. we actually had cake one nigh and it was super GOOD. we got a new elder in our area. it was an emergency exchange because the new one we got was bad in the other area. yesterday was Sunday and we had church in out small branch but i love it. i was asked to bless the sacrament and it was a good opportunity to practice the language. after church we went to Luzia´s house for a Sunday BBQ. it was so good. then we went to visit less actives. We watched a soccer game at one of the less actives house and that was a little weird but its the culture. i know it sounds bad but that the culture of Brazil. we did some shopping this week and also visited some different places around town. anyways. that's about it. I love you all and the support you give me. it truly does help me in the time of need. i know the lord loves us and love all of his children. As hunter always says , God is GOOD!! That's it for me down here in Brazil and wish me luck with the work that needs to get done. Até Proximo Tempo!!!

Love Elder Browning