Monday, December 14, 2015

A baptism, a new companion, and a trip to Cuiaba

Hello first of all to everyone at home wherever you are!! 
     So this week was busy but not really. There are alot of activities and changes but not a whole lot of stories. So anyways...
     Monday through Wednesday was the same except for me finishing my first transfer in the field. We celebrated with a BBQ and it was SO GOOD. The other days were just long and did the same old things. Thursday we had the activity at the church which was a good time and had an okay turn out. But i always love the Thursday night because we get to hang out with the members and get to know them better! 
     Friday we finally had the BATISMO of Arthur and i had the privilege of baptizing him! It was a way cool experience and I actually had to do the ordinance twice because I didn't pronounce one part correctly but it was ok. We had dinner and cake afterward and it was also way good. The shocking thing about that day was i got a new companion. The lord truly answers prayer. There was mess up with the transfers in São Paulo and we got an odd number of missionaries. So for some reason i got a new one, and i am happy. His name is Elder MElO and we are ready to get some work done here in Cáceres. I am super excited and hope I have a better experience with him. 
     Saturday we were suppose to have a volleyball tournament but not a lot of people showed up so we just played soccer, volleyball and FOOTBALL, like american football.  It was so fun and funny because no one knows how to throw a football and they were amazed at me and my ability to throw.  It was a good time and i woke up Sunday with a sore shoulder, haha. 
     Sunday was super cute because it was the primary program and they tore down the roof. It was great and we had 70 people at church . We haven't had that many in a long time. After church we ate lunch and took Elder Barros to the Bus station to get transferred. It was a bitter sweet moment but I am glad he is gone!! But I wish the best of luck to him on the rest of his mission! We went home after and had a 4 HOUR planning session of the week. It was awesome and we did a lot of cleaning out the Area Book. I am excited for the plans that we have made for this transfer. around 6ish last night we had choir practice for Christmas at the church and it was a good time. i am singing tenor and really happy to sing for Christmas. 
     SO that was my week this week. I am going to Cuiabá today for a Zone Conference tomorrow so that's a 4 hour bus ride for me today. Time to catch up on some sleep! This week will be filled with parties and trips so there will be a lot to write about next week. I love you all, tem uma boa semana e preperar por NATAL!!!  (It's a good week and prepare for Christmas!!!)

Love Elder Browning

A hut in the jungle 

Merry Christmas coconut 

Baptism of Arthur