Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Day is finally here!

Merry (late) Christmas to everyone back home. This week was a week filled with parties, food and my family!! I have a lot to say but i will some it up because i don't have a lot of time. Tuesday was CONFERENCIA DE NATAL in Cuiabá and it was great. It consisted of watching the First Presidency devotional, eating until you couldn't eat no more, secret Santa exchange, a talent show and a a spiritual thoughts about the Savior to end the day. It was a great conference and saw all my friends that i haven't seen in a long time. I also meet other missionaries that i have never seen but thay knew who i was a were thrilled to meet me! Weird right? But its better than people trying to avoid me. So that night we took the bus home and went back to our regular schedule. But on Thursday it was Christmas Eve and we had P-Day after 6pm. We got our work in during the after noon and then played at night. We got ice cream then headed over to a members house for Christmas Eve dinner. It was amazing and the spirit of CHRIST was there and filled our hearts. We got little boxes of chocolates from them as we left and then headed home. We had no bed time so we made some random music videos until two in the morning!! Then it was finally CHRISTMAS!!!!! WE went to a Resort with a family in our Branch for lunch and it was awesome!! It had a big patio for cooking, a huge pool( we didn't go swimming ) and area with Foosball, ping-pong and pool, and much more. It was a great time to mess around and hang out with the members on Christmas! After that we went to Elton's and talked with our families on Skype!! It was a great experience to see my family and yes, I cried when I said goodbye. I was good to see them in person and we talked about all that has happened in these 4 months of my mission!! Saturday we were back at work and then had an activity at the church for the members. Sunday we spent the day at church and after went to Tica's to eat cake, homemade ice cream and helped make homemade bread. It was all SO good. Then that night we planed and made some more videos that have no point to them but we had time. Well that about it for me in Brazil. There is more detail to each story but i don't have the time to write. i love all the support, prayers, and love that each one of you have for me and Hunter out here in the field. The Lord does truly blesses me and my family for the work that we are doing. He answers prayer and is always there for us. Have a Happy New Year and think of what you can better in your life for next year. God is GOOD and will always be Good!!

Love Elder Browning
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